Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stories in the Garden

Several years ago one of our great gardening friends, Demetra Kontos, brought a lovely young fig tree to plant in our school garden. It was planted in honor of her father who had recently passed away. What a beautiful tribute--to share a living plant, something all could enjoy watching grow. I know she could tell stories about her dad and why she chose a fig tree specifically. Last week when I went to water the garden, it was early evening and I took pictures of the fig tree. It has grown so much, and it is beautiful and strong. Looking past the beautiful leaves, I spotted many little figs growing. I am thinking that maybe our gardening group will have to bring some Greek yogurt and honey when the figs are ready to be eaten. Demetra and her family have brought us both something beautiful and something meaningful in the planting of this beautiful fig.

The Fig Tree planted in honor of Demetra's father
several years ago, now fully grown and beautiful.

Baby figs!

1 comment:

  1. What a splendid tribute on the eve of Father's Day! Thanks Mary.
