Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Monarchs are coming!! Swallowtails too!

As we begin our second rotation in Science for the 2013-2014 school year with our second and fourth graders, I'm proud to announce the appearance of both monarch and swallowtail caterpillars in our LS Giving Garden.  We'll be observing their transformation to glorious butterflies.

Thanks to our Garden Volunteers led by Carla Hand who last Friday planted colorful pansies in the garden.  The veggies are growing and our students have loved pinching a lettuce sample or two or three while weeding, watering, and pruning.

Our next workday is Friday, October 4.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Morning has Broken

Vegetable Garden Beds 2013

This Friday morning I enjoyed the peacefulness of our Giving Garden while I watered the vegetables planted during last Friday’s Garden workday.  Attached is diagram of the wide variety of vegetables that were planted.  I’m happy to report that there are many shoots sprouting from the beds!!  

I also took a moment to reflect upon the morning of what would have been my father’s 88th birthday.  Papou (Grandpa in Greek) Mike was an avid gardener having come from a family of farmers that grew luscious grapes, juicy oranges and tangy lemons in groves surrounding his home on the tiny Mediterranean island of Cyprus.  Daddy brought his love of gardening to the United States and I fortunately grew up in coastal Virginia with an enormous, bountiful garden each summer.  

Figs were also a favorite summertime treat.  So it was without question that the best way to honor his passing seven years ago was to plant a fig tree in the Giving Garden.   Like our love for him, the fig tree has grown exponentially.  He would smile, knowing the tending by his grandson, Alexi, and other LS students in our Giving Garden nurtured the tree to grow tall, broad and strong.  That’s what he wished for his grandsons.  I’d say we’ve done him proud.  Eonia e mnimi (Eternal is your memory) Papou Mike.

Our next Garden Workday is Monday September 9th.  Mark your calendars and join us.

Fig Tree 2013